Lamp marks World Mental Health Day on 10 October 2022 with two events

Will co-host Comedy Night and Open Mic Night events at Leicester venues

The Lamp mental health charity will mark this year’s World Mental Health Day on Monday 10 October 2022 by co-hosting two events in Leicester to raise awareness of mental health issues and raise funds for the charity.

The theme of 2022’s World Mental Health Day is ‘Make mental health and wellbeing for all a global priority’. The day is a chance to talk about mental health in general, how we need to look after it, and how important it is to talk about things and get help if you are struggling.

From 8-10.30pm, Lamp will co-host a Comedy Night at Duffy’s Bar in Leicester with comedian, Jack Campbell. Jack will host the event which will feature lots of raucous comedy with a series of five acts, while entertainer and stand-up comedian, Eva Bindeman, will headline. Read more and buy tickets 

The charity will also co-host a Get Mouthy: Open Mic Night at Firebug, the iconic Leicester bar where the staged poetry will run from 7.30-9pm. The event will feature a special appearance by Cathi Rae, a poet, spoken word artist, body positivity model and campaigner against ageism in the world of fashion. The event is open to all, free of charge and will present a showcase of poetry and the spoken word. Samantha Sinyakena, a local writer, has organised the event. Read more here

During the last 12 months, Lamp’s team of advocacy specialists have provided a free independent mental health service and have made almost 2,500 separate client/public/resident interactions including phone calls, emails, Zoom/Teams appointments, and face to face appointments. These interactions have been a part of the extensive work that Lamp has delivered, supporting around 450 advocacy referrals across the areas of community mental and physical health, carers advocacy, carers groups and informal patient advocacy.

Richard Kotulecki, CEO of Lamp said: “Although World Mental Health Day provides us with an opportunity to talk about mental health and reflect upon awareness, it also acts as a marker to show us how important support services such as Lamp’s community advocacy can be for people.

“The amount of referrals that we’re seeing and the cases that we’re helping continue to rise. It’s vital that people know how to access the services available to them and understand how they can get help. And that’s where our dedicated advocates can really make a difference to people’s lives.”


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