Report suggests that lack of childcare is harming parent’s mental health

A new report suggests that parents not being able to get hold of childcare due to the pandemic restrictions, is harming their mental health and work life.

Over 2000 parents were polled by Early Years Alliance, and half of these parents whose children were under the age of five said that the government had not done enough to support them and their childcare needs.

In England there are more than two million families with children under five, with 87% of them using some form of formal childcare.

A third of parents said that the struggles to find childcare since lockdown was lifted, has had a detrimental effect on their work. Over a quarter of those polled said that the lack of childcare had harmed their mental health.

The proportion of parents saying that their work and mental well-being suffered was high among those living in more disadvantaged parts of the country.


If you, or someone you know needs mental health support please contact Lamp now.



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