Experts warn about re-entry syndrome as society adjusts to a new normal

Experts warn that people will experience re-entry syndrome as lockdown eases in the UK and more bars, restaurants and work places begin to reopen.

Re-entry syndrome is psychological distress brought on by making major readjustments in life. Up until now this syndrome has mostly affected people leaving prison, Artic explorers and soldiers returning home from war.

The concept of re-entry syndrome dates back to the early 60’s. Two US psychologists John and Jeanne Gullahorn noticed that after extended periods of travel, those who returned had trouble adjusting to a life that was once familiar.

As most of society hasn’t experienced “geographically remote isolation or traumatic experience, so we can’t underestimate the impact that lockdown has had on us”.

It will take time for society to venture out into a post-virus world. Experts advise to do this slowly and until the anxiety around leaving the house and socialising begins to ease.


If you, or someone you know needs mental health support please contact Lamp now.



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