Kazzoo IT Solutions’ Ben Nevis climb to raise funds for local charities

As part of a new fundraising initiative, staff from Leicester-based Kazzoo IT Solutions will attempt to climb Ben Nevis on 28 August to raise £5,000 for the mental health charity, the Leicestershire Action for Mental Health Project (Lamp) and Menphys, a charity that provides services and activities that support disabled children and young people.

Supporters can make their donations in aid of Kazzoo Climb 22 here.

Chris Cain, Director of Kazzoo IT Solutions said:

“We are fundraising for Lamp to ensure that the charity can continue to deliver its mental health advocacy services throughout Leicestershire. Climbing Ben Nevis is a great way to bring in much-needed cash for both charities and it is also meant to really challenge the participants. The climb shines the spotlight on mental health, where the physical activity, the involvement with a group of people and reconnecting with nature, are just some of the ways we can care for our mental health and emotional wellbeing.”

Richard Kotulecki, Lamp’s CEO added:

“We are so grateful to the team from Kazzoo IT Solutions for devoting considerable time and effort to taking on this challenge to climb Ben Nevis. The mental health advocacy service we provide to those who rely on us simply wouldn’t be possible without the ongoing support of the community and volunteers like the team from Kazzoo IT Solutions who are so dedicated to helping us. We hope they have a safe journey and wish them every success in this attempt.”

Chris hopes to get 20-30 people involved in this year’s climb. Some participants in last year’s Scafell Pike challenge completed their trek in fancy dress to drum up funds. This option is open to those who wish to take on this year’s Ben Nevis climb, which will help to raise the profile of the event.

Participants who would like to join Kazzoo Climb 22 can contact Matt Barton, Lamp’s Corporate and Community Engagement Officer at matthewbarton@lampdirect.org.uk or Jo Clayton of Kazzoo IT Solutions at jo@kazzoo.com

This Ben Nevis climb follows in the wake of an earlier successful attempt by Brendan Harris, a Leicester resident, who completed his trek up the mountain in an impressive time of 4 hours and 10 minutes, raising a total of £450 for Lamp.


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