SEND Advocacy Support Group
If you’d like to attend our SEND Advocacy Support Group, please submit the form below.
The SEND Advocacy Support Group will be held from 5.30-7pm on every last Thursday of the month at the Menphys Hub on Bassett Street in South Wigston, Leicester, LE18 4PE. Future meetings will then take place on the last Thursday of every month.
Lamp have partnered with Menphys to host SEND advocacy support groups for adults, parents and carers, who are struggling to be heard and want help
with obtaining services or finding it difficult starting their diagnosis journey or getting support through GP’s, schools or healthcare professionals.
Listen, share, empower and connect with others to improve mental health and help you self-advocate during your journey.
• Are you a parent/carer living with a child or young adult with SEND and want to talk and listen to others about your experiences and journey?
• Is your loved one or child waiting to be diagnosed, finding it difficult to cope and unsure where to turn or who to talk to?
• Do you want to help others by sharing your experiences and journey?
• Do you need supporting knowing what’s out there to help with your mental wellbeing?