Depression was not widely recognised in Japan until the late 1990s When an advertising campaign called it a “cold of the soul” sales of anti-depressants boomed Now some have been accused of faking depression to get time off work TORISUGARI I’m sitting on a psychiatrist’s couch in southern Japan, turning the pages of a manga […]


For more than 10 years, Tasers have been used against patents in locked psychiatric settings, without monitoring or investigation. This practice must end. An amendment to the policing and crime bill tabled by former health minister Norman Lamb in support of Black Mental Health UK’s campaign for an outright ban on Tasers against patients in […]

Nearly all employees will feel down at some point in their career, and it’s your responsibility as a business owner to lend a helping hand in their Mental Health.   Stress, depression and anxiety are some of the most common mental health problems in the workplace. In fact, they’re so common that together they affect […]

The Genesis Project July Newsletter Update

Across the country, therapists are reporting a negative impact on people’s well-being from the EU referendum. But is it really that simple?     Contuine to the comic at The Guardian – drew by Ian Williams

The People’s Forum is run by and for service users and carers. We meet to discuss mental health issues on the Second Wednesday of each month at 10.30am. Call Helen to find out more: Tel No – 0116 262 7952 / email – Learning about Victim First At May’s Issues Group meeting People’s Forum […]

Talking openly, finding light in the darkness and setting up support networks are some key elements to overcoming mental health issues One night at the Edinburgh Fringe in 2014, comedians were winding down from a long day at the nation’s most arduous comedy festival when the news broke that beloved actor and stand-up Robin Williams […]

Six in 10 children and young people across England do not get treatment for problems such as anxiety and depression, data shows Up to four in five children with mental health problems are being denied access to treatment they urgently need in some parts of England, NHS figures show. Overall six in 10 children and […]


Every year, one in four people in the UK are forced to deal with some form of mental health problem. For some, it doesn’t last long. But for the majority, their lives are overshadowed by recurring bouts of depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and a long list of other conditions that science still doesn’t fully understand. […]


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